SHORTLISTING OF APPLICANTS FOR THE POSITION OF FIELD ASSISTANTS Vacancy Ref.: NRDCL/HO/HR/02/2023/2691 dated 27th December 2023 ________________________________________________________________________ NRDCL is pleased to shortlist the applicants for the position of Field Assistants.…
Vacancy Re-announcement
Vacancy Re-Announcement NRDCL is pleased to re-announce the vacancy for the post of a Regional Manager for immediate appointment under the following details: Particulars Details Qualification requirement Min. Bachelor…
Vacancy Announcement
VACANCY ANNOUCEMENT The Rinpung Regional Office under NRDCL is pleased to announce the vacancy for following post. The eligible/experienced Bhutanese Citizen/Inservice candidates working under NRDCL as CPE, Crew Member or…
Selection Result
Selection result for the post of Regional Manager NRDCL Management is pleased to announce the selection result for the post of Regional Manager (interview conducted on 3/1/2024) as follows: Sl…
Vacancy Announcement
VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited (NRDCL) is pleased to announce the following vacancy for immediate employment. # Position Slot Eligibility (min. requirement) Grade & Gross Pay Remarks 1…
Vacancy Announcement
NRDCL is pleased to announce the vacancy for the post of Regional Manager for immediate appointment under the following details: Particulars Details Qualification requirement Min. Bachelor Degree in Forestry/Natural…
Selection Result
NRDCL is pleased to announce the selection result for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst and Asst. Internal Auditor as follows: Position: Analyst Sl. No CID No. Remarks 1 11303003048…
Internal Vacancy Announcement
As per the decision of 187th ECM held on 17/10/2023, the NRDCL is pleased to announce the internal vacancy for the regular in-service candidates of the company for the following…
Shortlisting for Viva-voce
NRDCL is pleased to announce the shortlisting of candidates for Viva-Voce (after the written test) for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst and Asst. Internal Auditor. For details, please click…
Announcement of Shortlisting
The Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited (NRDCL) is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for written test for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst & Asst. Internal Auditor. For details,…