Notice Inviting Tender for Timber Related Work under Phuntsholing Regional Office The Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited, Phuntsholing Regional Office, is pleased to invite the eligible Bhutanese contractor having valid…
Notice Inviting Tender
Sealed tender are hereby invited from all eligible Bhutanese nationals having valid trade license (except micro trade license) to carry out the following works as detailed below: Sl. No. Name…
Discount Boulder Sale
Boulder Sale on Discounted Rate The NRDCL, Sha Regional Office would like to sell 404,276.65 cft equivalent to 1431TL of boulders available at Kamichu Stockyard at discounted rate on lump…
The NRDCL, Sha Regional Office will be auctioning Komatsu excavator through Sealed Bids. The last date for the submission of the sealed bids is 26/12/2023 (before 10.00 AM) and it…
Revision of administrative fees In pursuance of the Board approval accorded during its 108th Board meeting held on 10.10.2023, the Management is pleased to notify revision of the administrative fee…
Notice Inviting Tender of Zhonggar
Notice Inviting Tender The Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited, Mongar Regional Office is pleased to invite the eligible Bhutanese contractor having valid license (Except Micro Trade) to submit your bid…
Selection Result
NRDCL is pleased to announce the selection result for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst and Asst. Internal Auditor as follows: Position: Analyst Sl. No CID No. Remarks 1 11303003048…
Internal Vacancy Announcement
As per the decision of 187th ECM held on 17/10/2023, the NRDCL is pleased to announce the internal vacancy for the regular in-service candidates of the company for the following…
Shortlisting for Viva-voce
NRDCL is pleased to announce the shortlisting of candidates for Viva-Voce (after the written test) for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst and Asst. Internal Auditor. For details, please click…
Announcement of Shortlisting
The Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited (NRDCL) is pleased to announce the shortlisted candidates for written test for the positions of Analyst, Associate Analyst & Asst. Internal Auditor. For details,…