The NRDCL is pleased to announce the sale of a 70-TPH stone-crushing plant located at Tingzam, Gyalpoizhing. Interested parties are invited to submit sealed bids. 1. For terms and condition…
Selection Results- HR Officer
NRDCL is pleased to announce the selection result for the position of HR Officer as follows:
Shortlisting for Viva-Voce after Written Exam – HR Officer
NRDCL is pleased to shortlist the applicants for viva-voce after the written exam. The viva is scheduled on 23rd January 2025 @ 9:00 AM at NRDCL HQ, Thimphu. Candidates are advised to…
Timber Allotment Notice
NOTIFICATION The Natural Resources Development Corporation Limited, Jakar Region, Bumthang is pleased to invite the interested sawmillers and individuals to participate in the timber allotment process on 22nd January 2025.…
Tender Notice
The Regional Office, NRDCL, Mongar cordially invite sealed quotations/tender from the interested eligible Bhutanese having valid Hiring License issued by the competent authority for timber transportation to Gelephu and Phuntsholing…
Vacancy Announcemnent
Interested Job Applications are invited from the interested and eligible Bhutanese Candidates for immediate appointment in the vacant post of Cable Crew Member under NRDCL Zhonggar Regional Office. Number of…
Tender Notice
Announcement The NRDCL, Rinpung Regional Office, Thimphu is pleased to invite the eligible Bhutanese contractor having valid logging license to carry out the Logging works in various FMUs and Ad-hoc…